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Digital Citizenship: Digital Safety and Security (Privacy)

Internet Safety


Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Digital citizens need to know how to protect their
information from outside forces that might cause harm.

​Ribble, Mike. “Nine Elements.” Digital Citizenship, 2017,


Privacy and Safety

  • identify strategies for creating and protecting strong passwords;
  • spot and avoid online scams;
  • and understand the concept of Internet safety and privacy, why companies collect information, and how to understand privacy policies.

“Privacy & Security.” Common Sense Education, Common Sense Education, 26 Apr. 2017,


When communicating with someone you meet online, ask yourself these questions -

  • Has this person asked to keep anything about our relationship a secret?
  • Has this person hinted at or asked about anything sexual?
  • Have I felt pressured or manipulated by this person?
  • Do I feel true to myself – sticking to my values – when I communicate with this person?

“Internet Safety.” Common Sense Education, Common Sense Education, 8 Aug. 2017,


Safety Tips

Shipp, Josh. “Internet Safety Tips for Teens - Helpful AND Funny.” YouTube, Teen Expert Josh Shipp, 23 Aug. 2012,

Dos and Don'ts

The Dos and Don'ts of Creating Strong Passwords
  • Do make your passwords eight or more characters, using combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols. (These are harder to crack than regular words because there are more combinations to try.)
  • Don't include any private-identity information in your password. (People may easily guess passwords that include your name, address, birth date, and so on.)
  • Do change your password at least every six months. (This way, even if someone does guess your password, they won't be able to get into your account for long.)
  • Don't share your password with your friends. (Even if you trust them, they might unintentionally do something that puts you or your information at risk.)

“Privacy & Security.” Common Sense Education, Common Sense Education, 26 Apr. 2017,

Internet Safety Hip Hop Song

“Internet Safety Hip-Hop Song.” YouTube, Flocabulary, 6 Apr. 2017,

Online Privacy

“Data to Go.” YouTube, Cifas, 5 July 2016,